Design & Education / Creating Logos and Visual Identities

Integrated Visual Communication

Integrated Visual Communication

Fall 2018


ComD 371

Integrated VisCom
Cross Platform Design


The Integrated Visual Communication courses function as lab and studio environments that engage students’ applied technical skills and craft through a range of cross-disciplinary assignments. Critical strategies will be covered through weekly lectures and in-class studio time that help guide students through each phase of application and production. Information and ideas take on many forms in contemporary design practices.

The inherent challenge is for designers to consistently apply the execution of idea, form, and craft across different media platforms that each introduce a unique set of properties and constraints to respond to. This course exposes students to the tools and knowledge base required to realize design concepts at high levels of production and craft.






Select an existing event (in NYC) and redesign its cross-platform (visual) communication according to the following steps. Step 1. Research the event and define its essences. Review its marketing materials and assess the media platforms they use to communicate with its target audiences. Step 2. Create Cross-Platform Journey Map. Step 3. Re-imagine what the event can be and to whom it should reach to. Redefine its essence and strategically redesign its cross-platform visual communication.


Work of Art

Select a ‘work of art’ you are interested in, and enrich its experience by expanding its media platform.

Thoroughly research the ‘work of art’ in terms of its theme and contents, and distill its essence. Then, through experimentation and exploration, deconstract and transform (reinvent) its original platform. Also, migrate the contents onto a new platform (or platforms) to communicate some aspect of the original, including, but not limited to: theme, identity and experience.



Assignments & Requirements


Process Log (Book)

Students are required to create a process book for each projects. It must be organized according to course/program guidelines and specific format.  

Read More


Readings will be required throughout the semester, giving students critical insight into the history and context of typography and information design. Each week, one or two students will be assigned to present the material to the class.
