Design & Education / Creating Logos and Visual Identities

RAP / Class Log

Class log for the Research, Analysis and Process.

Week 10 / Lucio Zago's Creative Process

Hope you all enjoyed Lucio’s lecture on his creative process! Feel free to visit his website of his book, Williamsburg Shorts and his personal website.

Williamsburg Shorts could be considered as Lucio's rediscovery of NYC. The train is annoying, but he tried to take advantage of it by traveling, looking at people, sketching and studying.In crafting his stories, Lucio intentionally left most of his characters unnamed; he wanted people to be able to imagine themselves into the scenarios he presents. Williamsburg is becoming younger and younger. People moving in and don't have any idea of what it used to be like. As an expert of NYC, Lucio decided to give a view into the recent past to the readers.

For next week, group C and D will present on the Aspiration project. And please continue working on the last project. On week 13 (11.29) we will have cross-section review on New New York and A Topic project, so let's speed things up!

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