Select a product (service) category(s) and research it thoroughly. Study everything about the category; history, existing products, experience, benefits, culture, production, distribution, grades, pricing, audiences, and so on. Break research down to datas and visualize them as charts and diagrams. Create a new concept for a product (service) and materialize it as a new brand.
Step 1: Debriefing
Create mind-maps (with 5WH1H or SCAMPER) to expand your horizon, and develop 'rich picture' of problems. List as many questions as you can about the project.
Step 2: Research & Organize Your Research
Research everything about the product category (universe).
Study the origin, history, culture, ingredients, processing, classification, and pricing. Also research existing products, labels, packaging, services, shops, production, manufactures, and distribution. Learn how people buy, consume, collect, follow, recommend, get addicted, and give it as a gift. Go to the store and personally experience the product.
Analyze and organize your research. Break your research down to datas and visualize it in charts and diagrams.
Step 3. Ideation and Brainstorming
Create two concepts for a new product (service) and brand which offers unique experience. Or, you may choose an existing product (service), and propose improvement.
You may then write a mission, vision, story, and core values for each concept. You should (re)name the brand and give each concepts a nice tagline.
For each concepts, create mood boards and idea sketches for brand identity. Present your ideas to the class for feedback.
Step 4. Development
Select one direction and finalize the brand identity. Apply the brand to the product. You may create more applications that enhances the brand experience.
Mind Map with 5W&1H
Mind Map with SCAMPER
Ideate, Evaluate and Iterate
Build time into your idea generation process to evaluate your design sketches. Don’t fall in love with first idea that seems to emerge magically from your mechanical pencil or sharpie. Be willing to rethink your freshest ideas to see if there are any new, unexpected directions that will spawn even better ones.
The SCAMPER checklist is a time-tested tool that will help you. If you have a few strong ideas, putting them through this checklist will confirm their strength—and maybe even create some brand-new ideas.
This idea synthesis checklist was suggested by Alex Osborn, the advertising executive who coined the word “brainstorm.” It was arranged into the SCAMPER mnemonic by writer Bob Eberle.
Week 0 (Jan. 18): You may start the process as soon as you receive the brief.
Week 1 (Feb. 15): Present your research about the product (service) category you're interested, and share your initial ideas for the brand in a small group setting.
Week 2 (Feb. 22): Present the diagram and three concepts for a new product and brand. Small Group discussion, and then selected presentation.
Week 3 (Mar. 1): Class Critique. Present final design and applications to the class.
You will continue revising your design until the end of the semester.
Envisioning Information by Edward R. Tufte
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Data Humanism, the Revolution will be Visualized by Giorgia Lupi, on Medium