Design & Education / Creating Logos and Visual Identities

RAP / Reading

Research, Analysis & Process

Fall 2018


Research Assignment

Readings will be required through first half of the semester, giving students critical insight into the creative process.

Each week, two to four students will be assigned to present a topic about research, analysis and synthesis in the assigned reading material. Students will present : 

  • What it is,
  • What it can do
  • How it is used
  • When it is used

Make your presentation as engaging and informative as possible, by including supplemental information, such as case studies. The presentation should be about 5 to 10 minutes.



Week 1 – 2 / August 30 – September 6

Graphic Design Thinking, Page 6 to 34


  1. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Research / Sophie Fu
  2. Quantitative and Qualitative Research / Maura Kelly

Week 2 – 3 / September 6 – 13

Basic Graphic Design 02: Design Research, Page 36 to 67



  1. Audience and Social Context (Local Global, Identity & Intersections)/ Haleigh McMackin
  2. Design Context (Aesthetics, Style, and Semiotics)/ Ally Bechtold

Week 3 – 4 / September 13 – 20

No Reading Assignment


Week 4 – 5 / September 20 –  27

Basic Graphic Design 02: Design Research, Page 68 to 125


  1. Questionnaires / Judy Dai
  2. Interview / Yiying Zhou
  3. Ethonography / Penny Dasi-Sutton
  4. SWOT Analysis / Zoe Wollman

Week 5 – 6 / September 27 – October 4

Visual Research, Page 88 to 109

Basic Graphic Design 02: Design Research, Page 134 to 185


  1. Categorization (Typology) / Kina Qiu
  2. LATCH Theory / Varun Mundra
  3. Moodbboards / Sofiya Babenko


Week 6 – 7 / October 4 – 11

Basic Graphic Design 02: Design Research, Page 134 to 185


  1. Experimentation / Evelyn Jenson
  2. Iterative Design / Fangyi Yang
  3. Data Visualization / Xinyi Wang
  4. Narrative / Crystal Pan


Week 7 – 8 / October 11 – 18


No presentation

The Storm of Creativity, by Kyna Leski


Week 8 – 9 / October 18 – 25


Week 9 – 10 / October 25 – November 1


Week 10 – 11 / November 1 – 8


Week 11 – 12 / November 8 – 15


Week 12 – 13 / November 15 – 29


Week 13 – 14 / November 29 – December 6


Week 14 – 15 / December 6 – 13