COMD 380-12
Product, Environment, Material
Thursday 9:00AM - 1:20PM
Room Pratt Studios, Room 307
This course will expose students to design problems that are dimensional in nature and/or exist in a physical space.
Students will develop an understanding for how to generate and design their own objects/products, displays, utilize effective materials and design the environments that these products ultimately live in, whether real or fictional. Students will be able to harness three-dimensional design principles to develop a series of explorations that relate to space and human behavior.
Class Log
P1. Product Packaging
Select an existing product which comes in different sizes, re-imagine its brand and create packaging.
P2. Narrative Space
Select an existing medium- to large-size functional space, such as an airport, train station, or museum. Thoroughly research and analyze the space, reimagine the brand and experience, and create a wayfinding system.
P3. Wearable / Exhibition
Produce a design exhibition titled “What if,” to propose a new role of communication designers in the current and the near future society.
E1. ComD 15
Student will be assigned a typeface from the legendary ComD 15 typefaces to write an article and design a zine.
E2. Type of Spirit
Select a designer whom you admire. Thoroughly research and analyze his/her design philosophy and write an essay about it. Then, create your own design work with the spirit of the designer. For example, you may select a theme and design a set of typeface. Compile your essay and design work in a zine.
Other Assignments
Readings will be required throughout the semester, giving students critical insight into the history and context of typography and information design. Each week, one or two students will be assigned to present the material to the class.
Process Log
Students are required to create a process book for each projects. It must be organized according to course/program guidelines and specific format.