Design & Education / Creating Logos and Visual Identities

New Skill


RAP / FALL 2018

New Skill

Learn a new skill and present your learning process
and the skill to the class in an engaging manner.



Your assignment is to research and learn a new skill. Present your process and outcome in class in printed or digital form.


You may use any materials you wish to document your learning process. Photography, drawing, video and print are all acceptable - bear in mind that the form you choose to use may be connected by the skill you are learning. Remember that you must submit all your sketches and notes for review.


Visual Research: An Introduction to Research Methodologies in Design by Ian Noble and Russell Bestley, Chapter 1 & 3

Graphic Design Thinking by Ellen Lupton and Jennifer Cole Phillips, Page 4 to 25


Week 1: Assignment delivered and discussed in detail. Begin thinking about your approach to the brief using the mind mapping and undertake research.

Week 2: Presentation of initial selection of ideas (skills) for review with documentation. Class discussion about how to proceed.

Week 3: Final work presented to the class and submitted in a process book for review.


Please document your process according to the following steps:

  • Step 1: Debriefing
  • Step 2: Research
  • Step 3: Organizing Your Research
  • Step 4: Ideation + Brainstorming
  • Step 5: Development
  • Step 6: Conclusions

  • Tool / Mind Map