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Week 2 / New ComD 12 Typefaces

Great work everyone!

In class, we had a brief lecture about typography and how it influences the message. If you wish to go over them yourselves again, the presentation slides from class is attached below!

And the graded type quizzes were handed in. For those of you who wish to get extra points from it, make corrections on the questions that you got wrong, then you will get additional half points back for the corrected answers. There are lots of great reading suggestions from Daisuke in this link , so if you are interested in typography or feel the need to study more about it, highly encouraged to check out these books! :D

And we sorted all the new typeface suggestions out under 14 type classifications, and voted for the new ComD 12 typefaces. Here is the new list :

  • Forma (Emma)

  • Courier New (Lila)

  • Neuzeit Grotesk (Carly)

  • San Francisco (Sohee)

  • Arbor (Pam)

  • Drunk (Prae)

  • Avenir (Eve)

  • Lubalin Graph (Jocelyn)

  • Mrs. Eaves (Marcy)

  • Roboto (Bailey)

  • Freight Sans (Sidney)

  • Scala & Scala Sans (Rachel)

Suggestions for P1 / Daisuke

Great work. I was very impressed with some of the ideas. I apologize for running out of time and didn't have opportunity to discuss the project as a class.

Here are some suggestions:

A. Observe beyond the object

Observe not only how your product is being used, but also the situation (context) around it; where, when, and who uses the product. For example, Metro Card is used at the subway entrance, but people have it during the subway ride. In fact, they have it almost always when they're outside. For Mug Cup is mostly used at home for personal use, but it is also used at Starbucks to replace paper cup...

B. Consider both ‘tasks’ and ‘activities’

See page 232 of The Design of Everyday Things. See product beyond the 'task' level; see it at the 'activity' level.

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” — Henry Ford

For next week :

Project 1
Everyday Interactions :

  • Revise your storyboards

  • Create video presentations (it can be just an initial sketch showing the sequences based on your storyboard, since you can continue editing)

    Final presentation will be on the following week.

Exercise 1 New Type :

  • Research your assigned typeface and write an essay about it

  • Initial layout of zine (encouraged to follow the grid system that was handed in class)

Both essay and initial layout of zine are due by next Wednesday before class.

Weekly Reading Assignment / Presenters

Hand in your answers before the class begins. Even if you are not the presenter of the materials, you still have to read and complete the assignments weekly. Submit the assignments in the Google Classroom : https://classroom.google.com/u/1/w/Mjg0MjY0MjgwMDVa/t/all

  • The Design of Everyday Things / Chapter 6 (Eve)

  • Design is Storytelling / pg. 9 to 55 Overture & Act 1 (Emma)

Reading Presentation Schedule

Class Presentation

Class Photos