GDI2 / S19
Project 1
Everyday Interactions
Choose a common everyday object that you can hold with your hands. Observe and document how people use this object in different contexts. Imagine and sketch 15 new ways of using this object if it became ‘smart’. Identify the best use cases and create video scenarios describing the experience of use. Produce a short video.
#observation #affordance #feedback #gesture #tangible #workflow #scenarios #augmented #ar #ai
4 weeks
Group project (2-3 people)
Field Observation
Gesture Taxonomy
Video Scenarios
Video Presentation
Week 1 (Jan 23) / Kick Off
Form 4 to 5 groups based on objects.
Conduct field observations and analysis.
Week 2 (Jan 30) / Ideation
Present 15 ideas.
Create several scenarios and storyboards.
Select a scenario through class discussion..
Produce a video presentation.
Week 3 (Feb 6) / Prototyping & Preview
Video presentation
Week 4 (Feb 13) / Final Presentation
Cross-section video presentation
Case Study
Strangely Familiar, IDII
Hiroshi Ishii, MIT
The design of everyday things: Revised and expanded edition, by Norman, Don. Constellation, 2013
Designing Interactions by Bill Moggridge. Foreword, Preface, Introduction, and Chapter 10 (page vii-14, 641-736)
Learning Outcomes
Interaction Fundamentals: Articulate and apply fundamental principles of interactive design, and be familiar with discourses around experience design.
Reflectiveness and Iteration: Apply a reflective and iterative process employing a range of methods of making.
Complexity: Plan, design and prototype complex interactions incorporating multiple dimensions and nonlinear narrative strategies.
Research: Apply Human-centered design methods, analyze, and synthesize research insights to create interactive products, services and experiences.