Week 2 / Research
Great Class !
Thank you Sophie and Maura for the wonderful presentations on terminology! The presentation files are attached below so feel free to go over yourselves and review. As a recap, we took some time to review what we learned in week 1 including why we should learn the creative processes, how the process book help us, and how we debrief a project and the importance of it.
Apart from the RAP Process, there are so many other creative processes such as Design Council's Double Diamond Process, The Big 6, The Branding Process by Alina Wheeler, The Design Process by Ellen Lupton, etc. Out of all, the RAP Process is the most fundamental process with simple frameworks.
We also reviewed the debriefing process. Questions that we can ask ourselves at this stage would be what is a skill? In what sense it's new? Is it new to you or is it new to the world? Which would be the best way to document the process of learning? Isn't failure part of learning something? How will we perform the skill? These kinds of questions will open up to all spectrum of creative solutions.
This week, we tried a new style of critique called Huddle, which is discovered by the Trello design team. They came up with Huddle to avoid attentional bias, grandstanding, and let the presenter provide the context, needs, and current state first and have the others get some time to give corresponding feedback. And they used "Mural" the paper with a quadrant, to give fair amount of opportunities for all to comment on the project, not just letting a single person dominate the time insisting on one's opinion. Obviously there are some challenges to overcome. Daisuke will definitely make adjustments.
For next week, please prepare to share your learning process and idea for the final performance and presentation!
Week 3 Presenters :
Haleigh McMackin - Audience and Social Context (Local Global, Identity & Intersections)
Ally Bechtold - Design Context (Aesthetics, Style, and Semiotics)
Class Presentation
Reading Assignment / Student's Presentation
Absolutely awesome presentations!
New Skills project is a great case to use primary research, as you are presenting your own experience of learning the skill through the documentation. Thank you Sophie for such an engaging, active presentation ! We all enjoyed the 2 vs 2 speed quiz :D
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Research / Sophie Fu
Quantitative and Qualitative Research / Maura Kelly
Qualitative and quantitative research work much better as a team. Qualitative research can be used to discover new problems and opportunities and quantitative data will give you data to confirm each problem and understand it. Thank you Maura for presenting the examples for each research method! They were very helpful in understanding both methods! :D