Week 5 / New New York
Awesome class again. We went through the things that you learned about the New Skill process and things that you want to try for the next assignment. It was great to see how the first project helped you want to explore more and be more open-minded. Don’t fear for the uncertainty, instead get used to embracing it and have fun!
Thanks Judy, Yiying, Penny, and Zoe for such informative presentations on Questionnaire, Interview, ethnography and SWOT analysis. The presentations are attached below so feel free to review them yourselves.
As a recap, we went through the importance of social and cultural context and understanding of the targeted audiences, as the audiences have different experiences and cultural connotations which will alter the meanings/purpose of the design. “…the real magic doesn’t happen on paper. It happens in the mind of the viewer. When your (audience) expectations and your knowledge clash with my (artist/designer) artistic intentions (Christoph Niemann).”
We learned about the Analysis and Ideation stage of the creative process. Analysis is a stage of pattern recognition, where you compare, contrast all the dissected data (from research stage) and conclude understanding. And then the ideation stage is where you find a connection among those datas that could create an interesting story line. One method of coming up with a creative connection is SCAMPER exercise (Substitute something, Combine it with something else, Adapt something to it, Modify or Magnify it, Put it to some other use, Eliminate something, Reverse or Rearrange it) If you have a few strong ideas, SCAMPER method will confirm the strength and maybe introduce you to some brand-new ideas.
As an assignment, select an ordinary daily object, research and analyze the object and then create visual ideas (sketches) by applying the SCAMPER checklist. Take three ideas, create engaging visual images of your choice, and add a caption (title) to each images. Prepare to present your work in the next class!
For New New York assignment, we will consider Week 5 to be the first week of the second assignment. Take another week to gather materials for the collection, minimum of fifteen pieces of any form. And think about what sort of content can be collected and arranged in specific sequences, and begin exploring the ordering of your body of material. You must produce at least 5 variations, showing different ways of categorizing / organizing your collection. Be creative!! Looking forward to see all of your collection and next week!
Week 6 Reading Presenters :
Ev Jenson - Experimentation
Fangyi Yang - Iterative Design
Cindy Wang - Data Visualization
Crystal Pan - Narrative